Terms of Use

Terms of Use

Hey there, fellow sound explorer!

Welcome to the phasenpunkt sonic playground. Before you dive into our virtual instruments and effects, let's quickly go over how you can use these digital toys. Don't worry, we'll keep it short and sweet.

  1. Your Creative License You've got the green light to use our instruments and effects in your music, whether it's a bedroom demo or a chart-topping hit. Just remember, you can't resell or redistribute the tools themselves. They're for your creative ears only.
  2. Sample Situation Those tasty samples inside our instruments? Feel free to use them in your tracks, but please don't extract and distribute them as standalone samples. They're part of the phasenpunkt family.
  3. Tinkerer's Delight We love a good hack. Feel free to modify our instruments for your personal use. If you stumble upon something amazing, we'd love to hear about it!
  4. Shout-Outs We don't require credits, but if you feel like giving phasenpunkt a nod in your liner notes or social media posts, we'll do a happy dance.
  5. Tech Talk Check the product page for system requirements. We've tested our tools thoroughly, but given the wild world of audio software, we can't guarantee they'll play nice with every single setup out there.
  6. Updates and Support We're constantly fine-tuning our creations. Check our website for updates, and if you hit a snag, drop us a line. We'll do our best to help, but can't promise we'll solve every issue.
  7. The Legal Stuff These Terms of Use are in addition to our official Terms of Service. In case of any conflicts, the Terms of Service take precedence.

Remember, by using our virtual instruments and effects, you're agreeing to these terms. But more importantly, you're joining us on this adventure of algorithmic and human creativity. So crank up the volume, twist those virtual knobs, and let's make some noise!

Got questions? Hit us up at info@phasenpunkt.de. Now go make some awesome sounds!